How Much Are You Paying For Your Cover?

On a quarterly basis, the car insurance price index is published and the one produced for the second quarter of 2024 reveals that car insurance premiums have increased by an average of £106 per annum. This is a significant amount of money to most people.

Of course, if you own a campervan then it is more than likely that you do not drive around in it on a daily basis but instead use the likes of a family saloon or hatchback car. So, you will be insuring two motor vehicles meaning that this could have an even larger impact on your finances.

Having said the above it is pleasing to see from the above index that premiums have started to drop to insure a car. On average, the cost of car insurance in the first quarter of 2024 amounted to £941 per annum. In the second quarter, the average cost of such insurance had dropped to £882 per annum. That is a drop of £59 per annum on average.

Whilst the above index relates to car insurance it is quite possible that a similar pattern occurs with campervan insurance premiums.

The above index also reveals that, of 2,000 motorists taking part in a survey, 68% of those people were given a renewal notice in the last 3 months where renewal premiums were increasing. This just goes to reinforce why it is important to shop around for your cover when you receive your renewal notice and see if you can save any money.

So, if you have just received your campervan insurance renewal notice, why not give us a call and we will see if you can help you to arrange good quality cover for your campervan at lower cost.


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