Double Decker Bus Conversion

Let’s be honest, most people thinking of converting a vehicle into a motorhome or campervan tend to choose an old large van that we are used to seeing being driven by the likes of a plumber, electrician or builder. Not many are even more adventurous and decide to buy an old double decker bus to convert but not only use it to travel around but also make it their permanent place of residence.

Well, that is exactly what a couple have done. Back in 2019, having spent six months overseas travelling around, they came back to the UK and having taken to that sort of living decided to purchase a double decker bus that was no longer being used for what it had originally been intended. They paid £4,000 for the bus. Obviously all the seats were removed before work could commence on making it into a motorhome.

Like most people, the couple had a budget but there’s was quite a modest one. They spent around £20,000 in converting the double decker bus. Apparently, it now looks most impressive and they live in it on a permanent basis.  It has a double bed in the bedroom with wardrobes, an en-suite, a fully fitted kitchen and dining area, a lounge with a wood burning stove in it and an office. It also has a roof top garden. There are solar panels on the roof meaning that the vehicle can be used off-grid.

The couple are to be commended for what they have achieved and let us hope that they spend many happy years in their new motorhome and enjoy taking it on their travels although it is going to be interesting driving it around as they may find it difficult to use some single track country roads with passing places. It is not the sort of vehicle that you would take up the Hardknott Pass or Wrynose Pass in the Lake District.


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